Contract manufacturing

Contract manufacturing services at Losan Pharma
We provide full service supply that includes material procurement, tech transfer, process optimisation, validation and a broad range of analytical methods testing (method transfer, method validation and stability studies). Our main production technologies include multiparticulate systems and innovative formulations, such as pellets, mini tablets, ODTs, nanoparticles and HME formulations.
Losan also has the manufacturing capabilities to produce conventional solid dosage forms such as tablets, capsules and effervescent tablets. Various packaging options for oral solid dosage forms such as capsules, tablets in blisters, granules, mini tablets and pellets in stick packs, granules in sachets or effervescent tablets in tubes are available.
In addition, contract manufacturing services for liquids in bottles, enemas and semi solids have also been available since 2018.
We provide products at the highest quality standards according to regulatory requirements
Viable manufacturing:
- MES/EBR System
- track and trace for serialisation and aggregation
- tamperevident packaging
- extended warehouse, manufacturing and packaging capacities
- ongoing investments in cutting-edge technologies
EXcellent inspection history:
We consider ourselves a partner and service provider who complies with the highest global quality requirements.
More Info
- regular inspections by the local authority every 2-3 years
- up to 18 client inspections per year; up to 3 inspections by health authorities per year
- US-FDA, last inspection passed without form 483
- ANVISA, last inspection successfully passed
- Russian Authorities, last inspection successfully passed
- additional inspections by other authorities (Saudi-FDA, Kenia, Uganda, Yemen, Belarus)
OUR Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Services




Losan Pharma: Our company | Quality | Innovation